19 January 2014


From whence does the almighty feeling of ekstasis emerge? From the heart some might say! Well I say shaddup feget about it! That's a big ol' bloody blood pump, ya hootenannies! The brain then, them ugly nerds will tell ya. But who trusts the nerds these days! Go read a book on your calculator I tell 'em! Predictably, I will stop to mention that while ekstasis certainly resides in the butthole, we shall assume it not to be the source. So who's the ass, u or me?

In addition! I say that's quite enough of those types of things which I do not care to get into in this frame-state! And, keeping with tradition, I shall now stop to recite for you the next word of the day! It's a good one this time peons, as it always is, so don't squander it!

Thumbittr! -- A dunce, dweeb, lackwit, curmudgeon, ya know, whatever

And yes, that must be spelled with an exclamation point at all times. AT. ALL. TIMES.

Every now and again, we appreciate some input from you, the fan. If you have any comments, questions, concerns, inquiries, prophetic dreams, disconcerting swelling in strange places, high blood pressure, or grapes, please think really hard about them before you go to bed every night and maybe we'll think about considering to help you with them. But we're pretty busy, you know, running the world and all this crazy shit. So we might not get to it. Don't feel bad though; we don't hate you! We're just indifferent to your existence!

That's not mine officer I swears!
-- The Ghost of L. Ron Hubbard's pet Goat

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