17 April 2013

Anti-Semantic Banter within Barrington

You earned it, jackanape!
It's about time we fessed up here at Primo Kebab: Pretty Tommy Noble. We've strung you, our devout readerships, along a severely incoherent sequence of excerpts that seem to bear little to no meaning or worth. However, that is the meaning, so ya done. It's all coming back now, there's nothing you can do to stop it! Nyahaaaah! Fear me, or fare ye not too well in the futuroo, eh hneh hyoo?

Now that we can all agree on the fact that there is, indeed, as the studies hath showethen, a walrus involved in a hippopotamus scheme (the whereabouts of which are currently still yet unknown to mankind as of today yesterday) against the fabric of what always and forever will be Steve forces (read: Steve's forces - an elite group of wildebeest trained in social activism), there's a lot on our plate! The collective plate of unifying consciousness, Kay? Em? EN?

En inglEs, por favor.

Forces ever!

1 comment:

  1. I was hoping for some jewish jokes, anne frankly, I'm very disapointed that there weren't any
