Speak words. What an idea! A thought really. Heh. You speak some. Try it. Ya dumb sakka shit.Yeah, eat 'em right up. Ya filthy filthmongers! With your grimy gritty faces and ugly rugged toes. Yes, you. And you too! For shame that you thought you weren't included! Of course you are invited. I did invite you, did I not?
Ahc! Mmm. And so it was that a new paragraph was formed on this day. T'was a good paragraph, a kindly paragraph. Though it was prone to forgetfulness... and then... uh... the ugliness came upon it! T'was stricken with DeVitism. The grossest of all grossness! How absurd it was! The boils! And the stench! Mein God! But the worst part... the absolute most disgusting of the dirty disease... the coup d'gross, if you will... But I shant tell thy peons! T'would melt your little, perfunctory minds! You rabble. Ye Olde Stricken! Strictly speaking, you're rubbish.
But on to the point of the discussion at hand! We here at family-owned, family-ordered, Primo Kebab: Family Outlet make it our mission to deliver our juiciest, most fantastically succulent learnin's directly to your eyeholes! But nay! The task at hand hath not been completed tharr! Still, there is more that we ask of you and your albeit limited cognitive faculties. The knowledge of these, Our Olde Ways, must be recited aloud for the spells which they hold to effect their effects.
We're inventing a new language using only the letter q. Not only is it quaint, it's qqqqqqqqqqqq! Qq QqQQqqqQ? QQqQQQqq! qqQQQqqQQQqq! Know what I'm saying? Just like -- soda cans! They're fuckin' dumb! 5 min my booty boo! And 5 men? I don't think I could handle that. I mean, Mike in himself is like... 7 men, so take that into account... ya got a hefty sausage sandwich. A hefty sort of thing... on a stick. Whatever man. It's humor. You can fuck off with your high brow comedy or whatever... I don't know. Well when ya look at it like that... You're just a lonely guy behind a screen writing words for other people to say, ya know man? Think about that, man.
As is what was,
We are certainly that