22 November 2013


The other guy: howd our butts taste?
Me: sorry for feedin y'all our buttholes
Son: i washed mine
Me: hope ya liked the flavor
Son: prolly still tasted like butthole doe
Me: spicy
Me: yet tangy
Son: hint of creme fraiche
the other other guy: lol
The other guy: wuts funny the other other guy
the other other guy: you guys know each other?
The other guy: wanna share
The other guy: u know me?
The other guy: ?!!! HUh?!
Son: whut neva
The other guy: NO WAI
Me: i know jesus
The other guy: FOR NEVAS
Son: who told YOU
The other guy: I WOUD NEVAS
the other other guy: lol
Son: i wanna know!
Me: he knows me
Me: too
The other guy: shaddup u mangy mutt.
Son: you mutty mng
The other guy: the other other guy join our club
Son: *mang excuse my french
The other guy: we r satanists who bang each other
the other other guy: lol
The other guy: in the face
Son: also make hummus
Me: on da regular
The other guy: LOL!
Son: homemade
Son: tasty
Son: high in protein
The other guy: from our butts!
Me: hmmm... us?
Son: makes your butthiole tangy

Me: ^^ full circle

20 November 2013

Asshole in your Butthole


Dat Life Grind

I'd have to say that today, in a way, I'm layn'm slayn'm; gettin' on dat life grind -- you know the kind. I went to the shop this morning don't remember what I bought, but let me tell you I sure it be hot on all that.. There's nothing to it if you catch what I mean when I say it, knaw it and thaw it under the sea. Dat's dat grind I'm feelin' -- ya feel dat?

It's been a while since we've graced your pleasant ears and eyes with our almighty ambivalent, presence, and might I say that in our absence, we've been quite prolific. The amount of things we didn't do, words we didn't say, galoshes we didn't galosh... It's quite literally unthinkable. Try to think of it and you'll see what I'm saying. It'll come to you. In a vision of the omniscient kettle of the sun's radiant image. I'd be lying if I said I were lying bout that one, folks!

In sum kinda summary -- Don't say a word. They don't know anything that we do

ya Ma!
JK it's pete.

Asshole in your Butt Hole

*For Stinky*

So simple , 
Ehhh, mah mama mah mama she say. 
Never dun gonna go
Down that way no mo
Not today, or yester. 
Let it fester in ya wound
Til my boy Lester coming thru
Gonna pop out den kneecaps 
For through the trees I do plead hats
Do rain down upon us 
Pterodactyls are in me
I find myself cringing
The ptero the ptero the ptero 
The pterodactyls are in me
Wayside court side
At the ol Kentucky classic
I found the sideways
From whence the world cometh
And mine eyes
Did temble
At the smelly abundance 
Of its presence
O! How I amped onto its holy smell. 
I reeked for days, sucka! 
God, I coulda killed a god today. 

With the dump I took in the fump of my crumpet today is a trumpet on which I do lump it thru time the old shrimp bit of which I am biskit. 

My mind is bisquik
The kind that u cook wit
Billboard on the street
Told me its secret
And that I took
To the bank, I did

Agree! A great! A Greek! 
Or so you thought before...
The incident
That's why we talking bout Islam folks. Preach
I shall folk it all if we weren't incident creatures oh so meager. 
Meter. Parking. Do the math u jackabond of long don whackathon. 

Let us rejoin the hot doogens, 
For they will non-shtugen the booden foe's mead, 
Aye, that of ol' Hammer Fist, Gremlin-Lung Feaster. 
Ah! Yes! 
And all around the fire too!
Who did not think I would be invited?
I shudder! 
So shall you all

Ear-beard bakes a naked cake
The sons of Petros
Make the metro on time 
Quarter-marking the market
West-side Trojans fight
Southeast pita. 
Vengeance tastes just as fine as hummus
Hmmm... Us?